Saturday, November 22, 2014

29 Things I'm Thankful For, On My 29th Thanksgiving

In preparation for my life's 29th Thanksgiving holiday, here are 29 things I am thankful for:

1 – Depth perception, that I am not constantly ramming into and tripping over things

2 – For every time a Pokémon reference is made during church, in order to illustrate a gospel principle. It’s rare, but when it does happen? Right on the money. #gottacatchemall

3 – The fact that there is a Beatles song that can accompany a little over half of all dialogues and discussions you have with people

4 – The fact that there is a Nacho Libre quote that can accompany about a third of said dialogues and discussions

5 – For my betta fish who, like a Diagon Alley wand from the Ollivander shop, chose me. All the other bettas on the tall shelf were like zombie bettas. When I walked up to the shelf, the zombie bettas just floated stationarily, not doing a bloomin’ thing. But my fish? He was the only one who acknowledged my presence. In fact, he started fluttering his fins uncontrollably at the sight of me, and would jump out of his little container and into my arms if he could. This was the fish from my dreams. A week or so prior to my buying my fish, I dreamed that I had a pet betta, and I kept him in a little glass bowl by a windowsill, in the sunshine. I walked over to the windowsill to say hi to the fish and to gaze out the window at the lovely scenery of the yard. The fish jumped out of his bowl and onto my shirt, just below my chin. He was crying, like, human tears – really BIG humanesque tears. Whimpering, he spoke like a human, and asked me, “Why don’t you ever hold me and pet me!?” And I said, “Because you are a fish and so you will die if I take you out to hold you and pet you!” And then I woke up the next morning and decided I really needed to buy a fish.

6 – For elevator brakes, that the elevators I ride in every day do not plummet to my doom

7 – That I’m not allergic to peanuts at all, and that I’m not ridiculously allergic to kittens

8 – For the beautiful life process of growing up as a generation and making way for a new one to rise. I love to look back on my younger days of having childhood fun with my siblings and cousins. We all had such a ball together as kids. Now that we’re older, we look at the children who have entered our lives – these children are siblings and cousins and friends to one another, and make sweet and precious memories with each other, as we did when we were their age. And before they know it, they’re going to be as old as we are now, and they are going to have younglings of their own, and witness this process for themselves. I just love all of it so much!

9 – Of course I am thankful for floss. How could I not include that on this list?

10 – That I made the decision to take the old perm and roller curlers I found in my family’s house, which had not been used for years, and incorporate them into my life

11 – For Jesus Christ’s amazing atonement, especially for the power it has to help me clean up slates, move on, and become better. Repentance is a miraculous thing. We can say goodbye forever to the wrongs we’ve done in the past. If we walk hand-in-hand with the Lord, and allow Him to help us to become improved versions of ourselves, we can leave our sins in the dust for good. So awesome

12 – For people who know how to play stringed instruments. I really do think that God was the first person to design the violin/viola/cello/bass/etc. I don’t think it was a mortal human who came up with that idea. I think God had the blueprints with Him in heaven, and one day He decided to tell a mortal about it, by way of thought implant (aka divine inspiration)

13 – That I spent my youth having happy, goofy, dorky little dogs at my house. I loved them so much. Even though they’ve both been gone for 10+ years, I still miss them a lot every day

14 – Truly am grateful for the hardest trials that have come up in my life. These are things that for-real have helped me strengthen my familial relationship with my Father in Heaven

15 – That I learned to play piano at a young age, and stuck with it, so that I can play piano for the elderly, who can sing along to the songs I share

16 – For, the best place in the world for jeans for me. Srsly, where would I be without that place?

17 – That the megalodon and the human have never lived on planet Earth at the same time

18 – That most plants are not poisonous

19 – That houseflies are not venomous (wait, are some species of fly venomous?)

20 – For Jimmy Stewart

21 – That the sky has always been blue. If the sky had never been blue, and if our sky had always been, say, green (as the grass and the leaves on the trees) … I don’t know about you, but I would have gone about every day feeling a terribly uneasy feeling for a reason that I could never put my finger on … because the reason would be the fact that the sky was never blue, and I would never have known that that was what the problem was, because why would I have ever had a reason to believe that a blue sky – as opposed to a green sky – would kiss all my unexplained troubles away? #babbling #likealunatick

22 – That there are no cockroaches where I live

23 – That I currently can fall asleep for a night’s rest within 5 minutes of my head hitting my pillow. Trying to not take that for granted

24 – For the choice I made to keep an emergency deodorant in my purse at all times

25 – For various people who were happy to “spot me” or “get my back” (Don’t worry, gurl, I got yo back!) in my random little moments of dire need

26 – For the random little moments when someone has asked me if I could aid them in their random little moments of emergency (a statement that could be read as vague, but I think you may know what I’m talking about)

27 – That I can read and write

28 – For the goodly IT/computer-smart people in the world. These are the people who tell me what they do for work, and it goes waaaaaaaaay over my head, but all I really need to do is soundly understand that whatever they do for a living is help me live in a technological world and make easier for me things that I didn’t even

29 – The people I love. The people I am honored to call my family and friends

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