Notwithstanding, in the midst of today's pool of crazy, a series of gently bright and soothing thoughts spontaneously bubbled in my brain. Here are the bubbles to which I refer:
Hard work is hard. Hectic busyness is hard. It all can be so gosh darn draining. Work and I are not strangers to one another; we are well-developed acquaintances, and today I've decided to consider work as not just an acquaintance, but a friend.
Today I've decided to be grateful for the opportunities I have in my life to be busy, and to be working. Today I realized that I usually feel like I'm serving someone else when I buckle down and work hard, and at the end of a session of working hard --- especially if the service recipient expresses their genuine thanks --- I feel like all my work was worthwhile.
At the end of this crazy Monday afternoon, my boss kindly thanked me for the efforts I put into the mandatory Monday duties. Upon hearing his "thank you" I immediately ricocheted that "thank you" to God for helping me land the great job I've got. I also thanked Him for blessing me with thousands of wholesome and righteous ways to stay busy in my life.
I hope I'll remember all this good stuff the NEXT time I have a crazy Monday!
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