Maybe I wouldn't have contributed to that accident, but some voice is whispering to me now, telling me that God is looking out for me. It's occurrences like this morning's incident that testify to me that there is a God.
Reflecting upon this dream has caused me to reflect upon how truly strategically our planet Earth is positioned in the solar system. HOW can Earth's position be simply happenstance or coincidental? It can't be. I declare that it's strategic. Strategy implies that someone implements strategy. That someone is God. He created the world then assigned it to be "third rock from the sun," a placement that allowed the world's mortal inhabitants to inhabit without automatically freezing or burning to death upon birth. Sure, Siberia, Alaska, Australia, Las Vegas, and the equator countries can all be sometimes uncomfortable to reside in climate-wise, but they're still survivable. The fact that mankind can survive and, in fact, have joy in almost all earthly geographical locations is absolutely a testament that a Supreme Being (God) strategically made it that way.
When I was a tiny, tiny little toddleresque girl, my family had a bright green, beautiful pet parakeet. He lived till I was 16 years old or so, and he was with us even before I was born. We called him "Noisy Bird" because he was a total chatterbox. He could say Pretty bird!, I love you!, and Where's Richard?
Which brings me to one last piece of evidence that denotes that there is a God (and when I say "one last piece of evidence," I mean it's the last piece that I'll write about for the time being; goodness knows it's not the "one last piece of evidence" that I can think of, for there are MANY! Like perfectly hexagonal snowflakes...).

He had conversations with himself in the English language, though sometimes we Homo sapiens couldn't decipher the exact words, but it was definitely English.
He could make kissy noises. And, most impressively, he could whistle the "Andy Griffith" theme song in its entirety. SUCH a great and sweet bird! Oh how we loved him, and oh how we miss him, even till this very day.
Tell me, how could the magnificent Noisy Bird, whose breed is so intricately and exquisitely crafted to be able to sing and speak human languages, be a result of a mere "chance/big bang" explosion? And it's not just the parakeet, but millions upon millions of other taxonomical species that, if pondered about, are recognized as organisms of amazing properties. The way all natural creations cooperate as ecosystems is astounding and miraculous, I do say. There just *has* to be someone ultimately responsible for all this awesomeness.
I do believe in science (jajaja, makes me remember that I love "Nacho Libre"); I believe that organisms and elements all coexist and collectively form areas of study that people SHOULD study! Of COURSE we're supposed to study about the world we live in, as long as it's for the benefit of mankind. I believe that such wholesome studies can do God a great honor. By showing our sincere interest in His creations, we show a form of gratitude to Him.
My parting words for today: Guess what? YOU, my friend, are an intricately and exquisitely crafted creation of God. You are a child of a Heavenly Father, who is God, and you were created in His image. He loves you dearly, wants you to have joy, wants you to enjoy and take care of the world that He's blessed you with the opportunity to inhabit, wants you to take care of His other children that inhabit alongside you, and wants you to keep in touch with Him as you sojourn.
I love your examples and your humor. Thank you for the reminder today.