Friday, April 3, 2020

Alison's Favorite Quote from Each October 2019 General Conference Talk

Life got a little interestingly wild over the past month or two, as we all well know. But I forcefully kept my tradition alive to tweet out one favorite quote from each of last General Conference's talks (Oct. 2019), according to the order in which they were given, and then throwing them all into one place in a blog post. Here goes:


"To grasp the vision we are seeking, the healing that He promises, the significance we somehow know is here, we must cut through the commotion—joyful as it is—and fix our attention on Him."
Elder Jeffrey R. Holland
("The Message, the Meaning, and the Multitude")

"There is no treasure, nor any hobby, nor any status, nor any social media, nor any video games, nor any sport, nor any association with a celebrity, nor anything on earth that is more precious than eternal life."
Elder Terence M. Vinson
("True Disciples of the Savior")

"The adversary will try to persuade you that spiritual nourishment isn't necessary or, more cunningly, that it can wait. He is the master of distraction and author of procrastination."
Brother Stephen W. Owen
("Be Faithful, Not Faithless")

"In the Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve were 'in a state of innocence, having no joy, for they knew no misery.' Now, as accountable beings, we find joy in overcoming misery in whatever form...."
Elder D. Todd Christofferson
("The Joy of the Saints")

"As you use your agency to carve out time every day to draw close to God's voice, especially in the Book of Mormon, over time His voice will become clearer and more familiar to you."
Sister Michelle Craig
("Spiritual Capacity")

"I invite you to commit to a lifelong process of discipleship. Make and keep covenants. Throw your old ways into deep, churning waterfalls. Completely bury your weapons of rebellion with no handles sticking out."
Elder Dale G. Renlund
("Unwavering Commitment to Jesus Christ")

"There is so much we do not know that our only sure reliance is to trust in the Lord and His love for His children."
President Dallin H. Oaks
("Trust in the Lord")


"....spiritual complacency and casualness make us vulnerable to the advances of the adversary. Spiritual thoughtlessness invites great danger into our lives."
Elder David A. Bednar
("Watchful unto Prayer Continually")

"Jesus Christ Himself is the Lord of lost things. He cares for lost things."
Elder Rubén V. Alliaud
("Found through the Power of the Book of Mormon")

"....our youth....they are unusually gifted in reaching out to others and sharing what they believe in a convincing fashion."
President Russell M. Nelson
("Witnesses, Aaronic Priesthood Quorums, and Young Women Classes")

"Our youth are being asked to take more individual responsibility at younger ages—without parents and leaders taking over what youth can do for themselves."
Elder Quentin L. Cook
("Adjustments to Strengthen Youth")

"Gratefully, we live in a time when prophets and apostles teach us of the Savior Jesus Christ. Following their counsel helps us establish a firm foundation in Christ."
Brother Mark L. Pace
("Come Follow Me—the Lord's Counterstrategy and Proactive Plan")

"We knew that the happiness he described was not simply pleasure or an elevated mood but a peace and joy that come when we surrender ourselves to God and put our trust in Him in all things."
Elder L. Todd Budge
("Consistent and Resilient Trust")

"We cannot assume that our children will learn to love the gospel on their own; it is our responsibility to teach them."
Elder Jorge M. Alvarado
("After the Trial of Our Faith")

"How important is it to you to keep your word? to be trusted? to do what you say you will do? to strive to honor your sacred covenants?"
Elder Ronald A. Rasband
("Standing by Our Promises and Covenants")


"Even if we do not know how to relate to what others are going through, validating that their pain is real can be an important first step in finding understanding and healing."
Sister Reyna I. Aburto
("Thru Cloud and Sunshine, Lord, Abide with Me!")

"The name we were given at birth reflects our individual identity and gives us belonging within our earthly families. However, when we were 'born again' at baptism, our understanding of who we are was enlarged."
Sister Lisa L. Harkness
("Honoring His Name")

"With a prayer in your heart, continue to reach out and be that force for good. As you do so, your life will be filled with kindness. You will have a better feeling toward others and will begin to see their goodness in return."
Sister Bonnie H. Cordon
("Beloved Daughters")

"Becoming a covenant woman in partnership with God is how great and good daughters of God have always mothered, led, and ministered, serving in whatever way and place He has prepared for them."
President Henry B. Eyring
("Covenant Women in Partnership with God")

"Regretfully, some persons facing these issues continue to feel marginalized and rejected by some members and leaders in our families, wards, and stakes. We must all strive to be kinder and more civil."
President Dallin H. Oaks
("Two Great Commandments")

"Let me be very clear about this: if the world loses the moral rectitude of its women, the world will never recover."
President Russell M. Nelson
("Spiritual Treasures")


"Along life's path, we may lose faith in God, but He never loses faith in us. As it were, His porch light is always on."
Elder Gerrit W. Gong
("Covenant Belonging")

"Can we be more like our Savior, Jesus Christ, and share with others what brings us joy to our lives?"
Sister Cristina B. Franco
("Finding Joy in Sharing the Gospel")

"By the gift and power of moral agency, we determined that the potential of what we could learn and eternally become was well worth the risk.... And so, trusting the promises and power of God and His Beloved Son, we accepted the challenge."
Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf
("Your Great Adventure")

"If you feel that in any way you are not clean, if you feel broken, please know that you can be made clean, you can be mended, because He loves you. Trust that nothing bad can come from Him."
Elder Walter F. González
("The Savior's Touch")

"Command the enemy of your soul by saying: 'Go away! You have no glory. Do not tempt or lie to me! For I know I am a child of God. And I will always call upon my God for His help.'"
Elder Gary E. Stevenson
("Deceive Me Not")

"When we love God with all our hearts, He turns our hearts to the well-being of others in a beautiful, virtuous cycle."
President Russell M. Nelson
("The Second Great Commandment")


"Greater holiness will not come simply by asking for it. It will come by doing what is needed for God to change us."
President Henry B. Eyring
("Holiness and the Plan of Happiness")

"We all know where we can do better. There is no need to repeatedly remind each other, but there is a need to love and minister to each other and, in doing so, provide a climate of willingness to change."
Elder Hans T. Boom
("Knowing, Loving, and Growing")

"Brothers and sisters, please do not miss an opportunity to look into the eyes of your family members with love. Children and parents, reach out to each other and express your love and appreciation."
President M. Russell Ballard
("Giving Our Spirits Control over Our Bodies")

"My dear friends, please do not let anyone steal your happiness. Do not compare yourself to others."
Elder Peter M. Johnson
("Power to Overcome the Adversary")

"Please never give up after subsequent failures and consider yourself incapable of abandoning sins and overcoming addiction. You cannot afford to stop trying and thereafter continue in weakness and sin!"
Elder Ulisses Soares
("Take Up Our Cross")

"Please don't allow your questions, the insults of others, faithless friends, or unfortunate mistakes and disappointments to turn you away from the sweet, pure, and soul-satisfying blessings that come from the precious fruit of the tree."
Elder Neil L. Andersen

"General conference next April will be different from any previous conference. In the next six months, I hope that every member and every family will prepare for a unique conference that will commemorate the very foundations of the restored gospel."
President Russell M. Nelson
("Closing Remarks")