Photo of the Conference Center ceiling, taken from my seat in the choir loft. |
The next General Conference (189th semiannual, to be
exact) is upon us! Which means Alison did her thing where she revisited all the talks from the previous Conference, day by day, and selected her favorite quote from each one. In chronological order:
“...our actions must reflect what we learn and teach. We need to show our beliefs through the way we live. The best teacher is a good role model.”
Elder Ulisses Soares
"How Can I Understand?"
“There is a careful way and a casual way to do everything, including living the gospel. As we consider our commitment to the Savior, are we careful or casual?”
Sister Becky Craven
"Careful versus Casual"
“I know that as an all-knowing, loving Father, He answers our prayers perfectly, according to His infinite wisdom, and in ways that will be to our ultimate benefit and blessing.”
Elder Brook P. Hales
"Answers to Prayer"
“Talking with others about your faith will become normal and natural. In fact, the gospel will be such an essential, precious part of your lives that it would feel unnatural not to talk about it with others.”
Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf
"Missionary Work: Sharing What Is in Your Heart"
“John was first a friend, providing frequent encouragement and support—but his ministering didn’t stop at friendly visits. John knew that a minister is more than a friend and that friendship is magnified as we minister.”
Bishop W. Christopher Waddell
"Just as He Did"
“Because none of us is perfect and feelings are easily hurt, families can become sacred sanctuaries only as we repent early and sincerely... Harsh words or unkind thoughts can be repented of quickly and sincerely.”
President Henry B. Eyring
"A Home Where the Spirit of the Lord Dwells"
“As we keep our testimonies simple and focused on the gospel of Christ, He will provide spiritual renewal as we share our testimonies with one another.”
President M. Russell Ballard
"The True, Pure, and Simple Gospel of Jesus Christ"
“...if we rely only on our rational mind and deny or neglect the spiritual understanding we can receive through the whisperings and impressions of the Holy Ghost, it is as if we were going through life with only one eye.”
Elder Mathias Held
"Seeking Knowledge by the Spirit"
“No choice, no alternative that denies the companionship of the Holy Ghost or the blessings of eternity is worthy of our consideration.”
Elder Neil L. Andersen
"The Eye of Faith"
“Feasting sometimes involves experimenting and tasting. Alma talks about a good seed being planted in our hearts. As we experiment on it, we will realize the seed begins ‘to be delicious.’”
Elder Takashi Wada
"Feasting upon the Words of Christ"
“The more diligently we seek His voice, the easier it becomes to hear. It is not that His voice gets louder but that our ability to hear it has increased.”
Elder David P. Homer
"Hearing His Voice"
“One way to ‘always remember him’ would be to join the Great Physician in His never-ending task of lifting the load from those who are burdened and relieving the pain of those who are distraught.”
Elder Jeffrey R. Holland
"Behold the Lamb of God"
“Your commitment to hold firmly the iron rod will transform you into the eternal being who you were created to become... God knows and loves you. He will bless you and guide your steps.”
Elder Gary E. Stevenson
"Your Priesthood Playbook"
“Some may have considered me a long shot and an underdog because of my family situation. Maybe I was. But priesthood quorums changed those odds. My quorum rallied around me and blessed my life immeasurably.”
Elder Carl B. Cook
"The Quorum: A Place of Belonging"
“The promises we make to our Heavenly Father become rock-solid commitments, our deepest desires. [His] promises to us fill us with gratitude and joy. Our covenants cease to be rules we follow and become beloved principles that inspire and guide us...”
Elder Kim B. Clark
"Look unto Jesus Christ"
“Almost everything we do in working with people leads us to evaluate them. And in almost every aspect of our lives, we compare ourselves with others. We may do so for many reasons, some of them reasonable, but it often leads us to be critical.”
President Henry B. Eyring
"The Power of Sustaining Faith"
“...we all know persons who are concerned only with the present... Our present and our future will be happier if we are always conscious of the future. As we make current decisions, we should always be asking, ‘Where will this lead?’”
President Dallin H. Oaks
"Where Will This Lead?"
“Because Satan is miserable without a body, he wants us to be miserable because of ours...
Your body is your personal temple, created to house your eternal spirit. Your care of that temple is important.”
President Russell M. Nelson
"We Can Do Better and Be Better"
“The immensity of His atoning sacrifice means that the woodpile is infinite; our puny actions approach zero in comparison. But they are not zero... because small acts of faith are required to ignite God’s promises.”
Elder Dale G. Renlund
"Abound with Blessings"
“He sees all your hidden sacrifices and counts them to your good and the good of those you love. Your work is not in vain. You are not alone. His very name, Emmanuel, means ‘God with us.’ He is surely with you.”
Sister Sharon Eubank
"Christ: The Light That Shines in Darkness"
“I promise that lovingly performing ordinances for ancestors will strengthen and protect our youth and families in a world that is becoming increasingly evil.”
Elder Quentin L. Cook
"Great Love for Our Father's Children"
“If you don’t find here a community intent on accomplishing what needs to be accomplished for both the living and the dead to prepare for that day... you won’t find it anywhere.”
Elder D. Todd Christofferson
"Preparing for the Lord's Return"
“Unwittingly, they have converted an infinite Atonement to a finite one that somehow falls short of their particular sin or weakness. But it is an infinite Atonement because it encompasses and circumscribes every sin and weakness, as well as every abuse or pain caused by others.”
Brother Tad R. Callister
"The Atonement of Jesus Christ"
“Salvation is an individual matter, but exaltation is a family matter.”
President Russell M. Nelson
"'Come, Follow Me'"
“Our Savior has the power and stands ready to cleanse us from evil. Now is the time to seek His help to repent of our wicked or unseemly desires and thoughts to be clean and prepared to stand before God at the Final Judgment.”
President Dallin H. Oaks
"Cleansed by Repentance"
“Just as reading and learning about muscles is not enough to build muscle, reading and learning about faith without adding action is insufficient to build faith.”
Elder Juan Pablo Villar
"Exercising Our Spiritual Muscles"
“...shepherds in Israel must not slumber, nor scatter or cause the sheep to go astray... God’s shepherds are to strengthen, heal, bind up that which is broken, bring again that which was driven away, seek that which was lost.”
Elder Gerrit W. Gong
"Good Shepherd, Lamb of God"
“If all you or I know about Jesus Christ and His restored gospel is what other people teach or tell us, then the foundation of our testimony of Him and His glorious latter-day work is built upon sand.”
Elder David A. Bednar
"Prepared to Obtain Every Needful Thing"
“Even our sins, though they may separate us from His Spirit for a time, cannot separate us from the constancy and immediacy of His divine paternal love.”
Elder Kyle S. McKay
"The Immediate Goodness of God"
“Seek ‘to be like Jesus’ in all that you do; shun evil and temptations; repent....; be honest in heart; be upright and pure; show compassion and charity; and love the Lord your God with the devotion of a true disciple.”
Elder Ronald A. Rasband
"Build a Fortress of Spirituality and Protection"
“Despite contention all around us, one’s home can become a heavenly place, where study, prayer, and faith can be merged with love. We can truly become disciples of the Lord, standing up and speaking up for Him wherever we are.”
President Russell M. Nelson
"Closing Remarks"